Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Obama and the "middle class"

Barack Obama established a "middle class task force" and organized labor cheers.

Union members who are less than 12% of the labor force will not advance because the more than 60 million workers living in poverty in this country and billions more workers around the world are a brake on all working class advance in this country.

If organized labor wanted to advance the AFL-CIO & CTW would have insisted that Obama first establish a "task force for the elimination of poverty."

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that as this depression worsens and poverty grows tens of millions of poverty stricken unemployed workers will be willing to take jobs if unions strike.

These desperate workers will not be scabs. They will be trying to survive.

Organized labor will be very sorry they didn't consider the elimination of poverty first before looking out for their own skins before those suffering most.

These unemployed workers will tell unions where to go because the unions have not insisted poverty be eliminated.

Barack Obama is knowingly setting the stage for a bitter and spiteful dog-eat-dog type working class infighting with workers fighting among themselves for meatless scraps and bones.

Organized labor will have fun trying to organize any workers without or with card check.

Working people simply do not trust these unions anymore to defend their interests after years and years of setbacks and concessions resulting in the loss of millions of union jobs.

Workers are not going to want to pay union dues to union leaders who give away everything that has been won.

Just because workers might not be speaking up against Obama's anti-labor policies doesn't mean that working people are stupid.

Workers saw the way these union leaders bullied and badgered people into supporting Barack Obama. This kind of atmosphere where union leaders act like company thugs is not conducive to workers expressing their views. We will pay a terrible price for coercing silence. Did we learn nothing from McCarthyism?

Barack Obama simply is not the pro-worker guy these union leaders made him out to be. One more lie that will make workers not trust these union leaders when it comes to organizing unorganized workers.

Barack Obama's rise was packaged in marketing lies. The number one lie is that Barack Obama is pro-worker and pro-union. Obama is pro big business.


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